Under glittering waves of a vast ocean blue, a beautiful world is hidden from view.And there, in the cool and the quiet of the deep, a great, gentle giant was stirring from sleep . . .
Humphrey the whale is on a quest: to find the one perfect object that will make him feel complete. He roams far and wide, gathering endless undersea treasure as he goes. Yet, no matter how many goodies he accumulates, Humphrey still doesn't feel content. Could it be friendship, not possessions, that will really make Humphrey's heart sing?
A sparkling rhyming tale that encourages sharing and kindness, this heartwarming story of friendship is perfect for reading aloud.
Your little one's first puzzle! This cute puzzle consists of two pieces, a baby animal and its mommy or daddy. Both pieces are chunky and they are perfect figurines to feature in all kinds of imaginary stories. Collect all animals and there will be no limit to your little one’s imagination! The puzzle is made of 100% FSC® certified wood. All paints on this product are water-based, safe for children and non-toxic. The puzzle is available in many different animals.
A little maze with beads to practice those fine motor skills! The beads with different colours and shapes slide along the wire. And what fun to stack the different parts in the right order, until your animal friend is complete! Your little one will have hours of fun with this product trying to master these skills. The beads maze is made of high quality 100% FSC® certified beech wood. All paints on this product are water based. Available in many different animals.
With its beautiful balance between wood and colour, this classic in the wooden toy range is an absolute must-have! The wooden base has round edges and a curved base for safe and extra challenging play. It will increase hand-eye coordination and stimulate fine motor skills, while kids will learn to recognize different sizes, shapes and colours. The wooden stacking toy is made of high quality 100% FSC® certified beech wood. All paints on this product are water based. Available in many different animals.
يعرض هذا الكتاب الأبجدية بأسلوب مبسّط وتفاعلي لتحفيز الأطفال على تعلم واكتشاف مفهوم الأحرف الأبجدية باستخدام
رسومات جذابة لحيوانات وأشياء مألوفة لدى الأطفال. صُمّم الكتاب بطريقة تحرص على تفعيل الحواس، فالطفل يرى
الرسومات الملوّنة ويفتح ثنيات الكتاب ويسمع صوت الحرف عند تسمية رسوم الحيوانات والأشياء بالاضافة لكون الأحرف
مطبوعة بشكل بارز ليتحسسها الطفل ويكتبها بإصبعه. ويشمل الكتاب أيضاً بعض الأفكار المتنوعة لتعليم الأبجدية
اعداد: مسرة طوقان
رسوم: دينا فواخيري
مناسب للأعمار: ٣- ٦
يساعد كتاب (أبيض وأسود) الأطفال حديثي الولادة والأطفال الرضع على تعزيز نموهم وتطوير مهارات الإدراك البصري خلال المراحل الثلاث الأولى من عمرهم. يمكن قراءة (أبيض وأسود) مع الطفل عبر ثلاثة مراحل عمرية وتطويرية.